Set in the snow covered valleys of Sikkim, The Last Hour follows shaman Dev (Karma Takapa), who possesses mystical powers, and is now on a run to protect them. Dev can talk to spirits — a gift he has inherited from his mother, who warns him about the evil Yama Nadu (Robin Tamang), the one after Dev’s superpower. With police officer Arup Singh (Sanjay Kapoor) in charge of a series of mysterious deaths and rapes happening in the state. Dev joins hands with him in the fight against Yama Nadu.
Name: The Last Hour S01 (2021) Hindi Completed Web Series HEVC ESub
Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Duration: 4h 35mint
Release Date: 2021
Language: Hindi
Starcast: Sanjay Kapoor, Karma Takapa, Shahana Goswami, Raima Sen, Clifford Liu, Robin Tamang, Tenzein Choden, Shaylee Krishen, Mandakini Goswami, Vivek Pradhan, Jatin Payeng, Bisharanjan Sapam, Chien Ho Liao, Lapchen Lepcha, Shivangi Kumar, Edwin Rai, Kiki Lhamu Bhutia, Biru Tamang, D.K Lepcha, Lanuakum Ao Younita Pandey
Size: 700mb 1.5Gb 3.uGb HEVC